Assiniboine appears to have crested in Brandon


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Provincial officials said Sunday that the Assiniboine River in Brandon appears to have crested and the dikes have held.

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Hey there, time traveller!
This article was published 05/07/2014 (3582 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current.

Provincial officials said Sunday that the Assiniboine River in Brandon appears to have crested and the dikes have held.

But they are warning that levels downstream, in particular past Portage la Prairie, could be up to a foot higher than they were in 2011.

The latest river reading from the city indicates that Brandon saw water levels just shy of the 2011 record during the peak.

Grant Hamilton / Brandon Sun
The Assiniboine River completely engulfs Grand Valley Road just west of 18th Street North in Brandon, as seen on Saturday afternoon from the top of the clay dike.
Grant Hamilton / Brandon Sun The Assiniboine River completely engulfs Grand Valley Road just west of 18th Street North in Brandon, as seen on Saturday afternoon from the top of the clay dike.

But the water is going to stay high for a while. The province says that a second, smaller crest is expected to come through Brandon around July 17–18.


Elsewhere in Westman, the Souris River in Melita remains near crest at 1,410.5 feet, with a flow of 11,410 cubic feet per second. At Souris, too, the river is near crest at a flow of 16,700 cubic feet per second, with a water level of 1,357.2 feet.

The Souris River at Wawanesa is flowing at 16,540 cubic feet per second with a water level of 1,155.3 feet. It’s forecast to crest tomorrow at 16,500 to 17,000 cubic feet per second and a water level of 1,155.3 to 1,155.5 feet.

Whitewater Lake is at a historic high of 1,633.5 feet.

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